Home AltreLingue I can understand you because I never fossilize

I can understand you because I never fossilize

That's why I'm writing to you who had chosen Moscow thinking that it would annoy the Americans


When you refuse to oppose the actions of Moscow, I understand your deep seated reasons for doing so. Therefore I wish to address your concerns.

Despite the fact that I disagree with you- I don’t agree with your analysis and above all with your priorities- since I am not a rationalist (but instead I remain rational) nor a materialist; I consequently believe that the factors involving the existential, symbolic, and associative as well as historical and geographical roots take precedence over all hypothetical calculations as well as any speculations we might have.

You yourself are your own greatest enemy

I understand, even if I don’t agree, when you claim that the greatest enemy is the United States and that you must support whoever is opposed to them, come what may.
 I don’t agree for two reasons. First, and this is essential, there is no “main enemy” outside of yourself, because if you do not know how to orient yourself, others will impose their own interests over yours. Furthermore it is not at all true that those who are hegemonic in a capitalist, imperialist and criminal clique are the only expression of what you claim to oppose (assuming that you truly oppose it, which if you allow me to say, I tend to doubt in an Orwellian fashion). Not to mention that over time, you have reversed the polemics you employ.

NATO and the American way of life

The reasons why NATO has shown itself to be effective only in thwarting an autonomous European defense are exactly the opposite of those you claim. NATO has never threatened either the Russians or the Communists, especially not after 1991 when, unlike Moscow, it dismantled it’s warheads and enabled it’s enlargement only in mutual agreement with the Kremlin, disarming Kiev and hemming in a Europe targeted by  post-Soviet missiles based in Kaliningrad.

Nor is it true that the American way of life depends on the existence of NATO because it spreads all by itself in the form of “soft power” and it has overrun the entire third world (including Russia). Nor can we say that NATO has enslaved us, given that we Italians would have US bases on our soil anyway due to the treaty of surrender signed after World War II: Truman did not even want us in the Alliance. Meanwhile France a NATO member does not even host American bases on it’s soil and Turkey, also a member, is free to act as it wishes. Ergo the dogma is inaccurate.
NATO still represents the same problem that we pointed out more than six decades ago,that is, it largely takes the place of and inhibits the development of a European army, it does so by posing as a counterweight to Russia which it does not intend to defeat (and vice versa). During the Cold War we were called communists and even Soviet agents for taking this line; similarly today, some, including possibly you, calls us Atlanticists. All too many lack a sense of the ridiculous!

Finally, if you really think that NATO is all that matters and continue to howl at the moon in opposition to America, let me remind you that the Alliance – which, I repeat, had not deployed missiles for thirty-one years after the Cold War – was revived by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and has expanded to Sweden and Finland, while Europe has begun to rearm. Binary thinking or strategic bipolarity are advantageous to NATO. If you think you can resolve the American problem in this manner, without realizing it, you allow yourself to become a useful pawn of Atlanticism. As well as neo-Sovietism which is the same thing.

The collaborators

 I recently made a list of three NATO leaders who had an anti-Atlanticist past and who were even recently pro-Russian. *

But here I can understand why you don’t follow me. What is needed is precise information and above all the ability to interpret reality through the complex nature of “unity and division” as well as the capitalist/bandit mentality, to discern the prevalence of collaboration over rivalry.

Let’s assume you still don’t understand, that you consider my analysis to be specious or even bizarre, if you are looking for simple slogans and a very oversimplified viewpoint, like for example, the one that cannot explain why Arabs and Muslims have always betrayed and exploited the Palestinians and conducted business with the Israelis, I cannot expect you to follow my line of reasoning, nor do I expect you to focus on cooperation between Russians and Americans economically, the energy sector, in space and above all in armaments and nuclear weapons.

If the US is your main concern

Let us remain focused on the US and your obsession with American imperialism, which you mistake for a simple relationship of power, which you misinterpret as a continuous aggression towards peoples and nations that – you cannot deny – seek nothing more than to live in the American way.

This is the case because there is no better alternative on offer. A truly better and more effective system, as was the case in the last century, and not crude and convoluted systems, not bad copies of the hegemonic one, as  today in the so-called “Global South”, most of all with Russia overwhelmed by suicides, abortions, poverty, child selling, drugs, and overawed by the American dream, with fast-food restaurants in Cyrillic script and above all the same scale of economic and corporate interests of those which they copy and envy at the same time.

If everyone it seems wants to live the American way or, worse, ape Americans in Cyrillic, the source of the problem is that we Europeans are missing from the equation. As long as Europe is missing there will be nothing that can effectively challenge the American way of life.

The course your logic forces upon you

Anti-Americanism is an obsession. Because of this you will turn the other way regarding many inconvenient facts. You have already done so concerning two or three matters, the more astute concerning fourth one.

The first misstep was to take at face value the propaganda for the extreme right expressed by Russia, which is very different from that for other nations and especially from the major ones which should be the standard. So instead of facing reality you retreat into a dreamworld which you stubbornly cling to.

Under the spell of this dream you imagined a Russian pole of “virtue” that does not exist and you attributed to it everything you would like it to be and to do. At which point, when Putin moved against you and your comrades (i.e. Europeans, allies, kinsmen) you supported him imagining his motives to be correct according to your chimerical understanding.

Then you made a second misstep, though I can’t fathom this one. When the symbols, flags and nostalgic evocations of Bolshevism came out of Moscow, along with the Islamist military units deployed to conquer Mariupol, the Anti-Fascist Congresses, the requests to dissolve CasaPound and even Russophile Forza Nuova, the denunciation of Acca Larentia **, the denazification campaign, the support for African revanchism against Europe ( the Niger-Libya axis through Haftar’s militias and Wagner’s militias which have their own financial empire that also invests in the West, as documented in Il Manifesto of October 8), the push for the resumption of sub-Saharan migrations, the exaltation of the mixed-race society as the only form of civilization, the condemnation of Western nations for what Moscow considers too much freedom of historical analysis on the Second World War and the staunch defense of the Jewish cause, you deluded yourself that it was only “propaganda” – it is unclear to what purpose – and that it served to hide the true aims of Russia which you imagine to be identical to yours.

The third misstep was when you discovered that in Russia there are particularly repressive laws and that each of your fixed points, except the aversion to gay pride, not only is not shared over there but they are all actively persecuted. When you discovered that every kind of ethnic and religious “discrimination” is not only crushed, and in such a harsh way! A young Russian, a Putinist by the way, who had committed the act of burning a copy of the Koran was extradited to Chechnya – even though he was not Chechen! – and left to the mercy of Kadyrov’s cops.

The Russian National Guard has signed a protocol with the Russian Jewish communities and entrusts its training to the Chabad sect with which it will operate to hunt down “anti-Semites”. ***

Moscow presents itself as a beacon of successful globalism that will be triumphant once whites are brought back into line.

I don’t know if you are one of those who have come this far. One of those who forgive  Russians for everything they condemn Westerners for. Someone has managed to negate and repudiate everything you claim for yourself.

Finally there is the point of return

Lastly there is the fourth misstep. Several have made it, I don’t know if you have.

It consists of admitting that current Russia is a mess and is in collusion with the oligarchies of the entire planet, it does not represent any model and is not worth defending. However, you reply, the opposing side is no better.

Perhaps but so what?

If you hope that the Russian action will in any case upset the balance of power and damage American hegemony, though so far it has demonstrably done the exact opposite, then this also applies to the Ukrainian action since it is a two sided affair.

Why, if you believe in militant opposition, should you sympathize with those who fight you first and foremost (assuming that you are true to yourself) and not with those like you who fight for their land without any trust in the government behind them and which is not free from global gangster connivance?

Neither neutral, nor submissive, but  instead masters of our destiny

In any case, you agree with me that this tension does not harm the Americans. Therefore in order to avoid your thinking from becoming self enclosed and in order to reject binary logic; defending  European blood and freedom does not mean siding with the USA, nor does anti-Americanism mean bowing to the Kremlin. Moreover,there is no need to play favorites between Putin and Zelensky, nor must we choose between Kadyrov and von der Leyen. These are  mere dialectical traps.

Neither does it mean being neutral and least of all  “pacifist”, especially if this means supporting the surrender of a nation under attack. Which, regardless of which side you are on, is the quintessence of anti-fascism.

It means something else entirely: thinking beyond defeat. Because whatever the results of the war, for Europe as a whole it is already a defeat, since the war and it’s consequences are the renewal of the logic of Yalta.

We must capitalize on our defeat as we move forward.

Conflict, where it arises in actual combat, is existential and spiritual and its return to Europe is important. From those who have spared no sacrifices for their land will arise a new lifeblood, rest assured!

Supporting the popular and national cause of an attacked European people, the interests and future of Europe, one’s comrades, one’s symbols, one’s reference points, one’s history, means not being neutral but not submissive either, because if done properly, it goes against the grain of everything, including the Ukrainian government, as our friends over there know well.

While supporting the Pentagon’s Muscovite sparring partner is not at all running counter current.

You will come to understand too. Provided you are not still stuck in one of the first two steps of the pro-Russian misunderstanding or, worse, that you are not in the meantime completely sunk in the quicksand of the third.

If your mind is lucid and if you have the will, you will see that we can succeed.
Neither Moscow nor Washington!

* The Norwegian Jens Stoltenbreg had an anti-Atlantisist past and was suspected of being a KGB agent. The Spaniard Javier Solana, NATO Secretary from 1995 to 1999, had been at the forefront of the left-wing anti-Nato campaign. In the 1970s, the director of NATO’s nuclear sector was Nino Pasti, senator of the… Italian Communist Party.

**The article refers to the official request for the dissolution of CasaPound and Forza Nuova by the Russian Foreign Ministry in August 2022 and to the Kremlin’s complaints in January 2023 and 2024 when it requested the arrest of the participants in the January 7 Commemoration in Rome. January 7 commemorates the cold-blooded murder of three MSI youths in 1978, two by Red terrorists and the third by a Carabinieri officer.

*** On Tuesday, October 8, a protocol of cooperation was signed in a solemn official ceremony between the National Guard of the Russian Federation and the central organization of Jewish communities in Russia.
 For the National Guard, the signatory was General Vorobyov, for the Jews, the president of the organization Boroda.
 The document provides for active and constant collaboration in the fight against xenophobia and anti-Semitism. It includes cultural, religious and spiritual training of the National Guard by Chabad-oriented rabbis.
 The news was reported and highlighted by the official Russian media.


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