lunedì 7 Ottobre 2024


Conflicts have very little to do with common narrative

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Global clowns

Note dalla Provenza


The representation of events is always misleading. Always.

Denouncing it has nothing to do with “conspiracy theories” because, rather than being part of a deliberate plan, it stems from the human need to simplify things. A need that is then fueled by the demagogues’ theatrics to create anxiety and distraction, and finally fed by the superficiality of many observers and the virality of trivialities.

And so, in the current seismic movement of technological and energetic reset, which is masked differently, we find ourselves like football fans watching pay TV, cheering for democracy against autocracy, or for the Global South against the West, or for a fantasized multipolarity against a unipolarity whose meaning is unclear.

Israel and the Arabs

Outside this partisan cheering, things are quite different.§
Israel, for example, can now afford much more than it could in the past. But not because it is backed by the West, as is often uncritically repeated, but because it has become the spearhead of an Arab-Israeli hub.
Since 2019, Tel Aviv has become an energy power, particularly in gas, followed by the Abraham Accords with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. A joint air defense system, MEAD, has also been established to protect Israel, involving Jordan and the UAE.

Egypt, for its part, has systematically dismantled Rafah, the only Palestinian crossing outside Israel, over the past decade. Its commercial and energy relations with Tel Aviv are extremely close and also extend to Saudi Arabia. Lastly, there is a solid energy triangle between the latter, Russia, and the Jewish state. There is no direct confrontation with the Arab or Islamic world, as they are largely Israel’s partners and have little interest in the Palestinians.

Hamas like Red Terrorism: used and discarded

Then there are pawns moved by one side or the other, ready to be sacrificed when deemed useful.

This is the case of Hamas, which was literally invented by Tel Aviv when the Marxist groups, used against Arafat, no longer had influence. Hamas has always been manipulated by the Israelis, up until last October 7th, when, as reported by The New York Times, which certainly cannot be suspected of anti-Semitism, the head of Mossad, David Barnea, went to Qatar to clarify that Prime Minister Netanyahu supported Doha’s continued financial aid to Hamas.

Then, they proceeded to slaughter them. But, more soberly, the same thing happened to the far-left terrorist structure in some European countries, particularly in Italy, led by the Superclan* and manipulated by various intelligence agencies in the 1970s, only to be dismantled in the following decade. The mechanisms are always the same.

The strange, long-standing relationship between the Ayatollahs and Tel Aviv

The question to ask today is whether Iran is willing to sacrifice Lebanon, the only place where, by proxy, Tehran’s obscurantism has so far clashed with the Israeli “Satan.” Elsewhere, it allowed itself to be armed by Israel to fight Iraq and was actively complicit in opposing social-national causes and Pan-Arabism. It saved face behind insults (similar to how the Russians act towards the Americans), yet it provided streams of oil to the Israelis through a formal intermediary in Amsterdam. Up until this year, the Ayatollahs had never directly conflicted with Israeli interests, but now they risk losing authority over the Shiite Arabs, and the situation is changing.
However, we do not know Tehran’s real orientations, as it is visibly in the grip of internal clashes, as Ahmadinejad pointed out, where top factions are in dialogue with either the Israelis or the Americans.

I was surprised by the total lack of questions or reflections when, the day after the assassination of one of Hamas’ leaders, the moderate Haniyeh, in Tehran, the White House handed the Iranians the list of Israeli infiltrators deemed responsible for the action.

Yet it happened openly, and nothing should have made it clearer that the ties between these rivals are extremely close and that internal wars are more real than those between the so-called “antagonists.”

Global South? West?

The same applies to the alleged opposition between the Global South and the West, supposedly playing out in Ukraine and the Sahel.

The Global South includes India, which arms Ukraine; Turkey, which arms Kyiv and has just signed a trade cooperation agreement; and China, which provides little weaponry to Moscow while tightening the economic noose around it.

The BRICS are made up of players who are in conflict with each other, particularly China and India, and others, like Brazil, which seeks to build a bridge with the West.
As for the West, its stance towards Russia is ambiguous. Italy provides Ukraine with outdated military hardware and ranks 23rd in military aid, while Hungary supports Moscow yet voted overwhelmingly in favor of Sweden joining NATO.

I’m not sure if Israel can be considered Western, but what I do know is that it refuses to supply arms to Kyiv and has claimed a genuine brotherhood with Moscow, which happens to be one of Tel Aviv’s top oil suppliers.

USA and Russia: the strange pair

I’ve pointed out more than once that US-Russian relations reveal more complicity than rivalry. This, despite the fact that Moscow’s ill-fated aggression against Ukraine has boosted the American economy and the Atlantic Alliance.

72% of Russian military components are American, and the operating systems for Russian missiles are predominantly American. 12% of the uranium for the American nuclear sector comes from Russia, and its trade has never been interrupted.
Russians and Americans participate in joint space missions, coordinate military actions in Syria, and Washington, as Lavrov has repeatedly reminded us, continued to provide strategic information to Moscow during the war in Ukraine.

How many pro-russian allies at the head of NATO!

The other day, when Mark Rutte became NATO’s Secretary General, I recalled that he takes the position after ten years of Jens Stoltenberg, who had an anti-Atlanticist past and was suspected of being a KGB agent. However, he wasn’t the only one to lead the Alliance with a background of friendship toward Russia. Javier Solana, NATO Secretary General from 1995 to 1999, had been at the forefront alongside Alfonso Guerra in the left-wing anti-American campaign.

In even stranger years, during the “Cold War,” Nino Pasti, a senator from the… Italian Communist Party, was in charge of NATO’s nuclear division.

How relationships and conflicts work

All this proves just one thing: that every narrative of events is wrong, and taking sides with this or that imaginary team in a cheap Tolkien-like scenario is pathetic, sterile, and misleading.

This doesn’t simplistically mean that everyone is in agreement, but it does mean that in a gangster-managed capitalist system, as it has been for eighty years, the games are dirty. And Lenin’s famous “split and unity of imperialism” must always be taken into account in this way: not limited to the split, nor to the unity, because both coexist physiologically.

Today, the match between private groups that move nations, for geographical, demographic, and mineral reasons, is also a match between nations, or at least between continental players, and it unfolds—within capitalist logic—over the control of new energy sources and technological dominance.

Why we shouldn’t support the comedy

In all this, we can do very little. But what we can, and must, do is not bow our heads to schemes of psychological domination (such as “multipolarism”), thus participating, like foolish subjects, in propping up the comedy of falsehoods and supporting the dominant forces. These forces are not only competing for the spoils, but also working to prevent formidable competitors, namely the Europeans, from entering the game.

Instead of following the pipers and performing for Mangiafuoco, we must focus on ourselves.
We should watch with interest and hope what positive things this tragicomedy brings with it. And that is the return of the warrior spirit and the sense of sacrifice in Europe, thanks to the war in Ukraine. It is about the growing awareness across Europe of the need to reindustrialize and rearm.

What depends on us

The rest depends only on us: to face these storms without letting ourselves be lured to drown by the song of the sirens calling us down in the name of supposed “alternatives” that are more or less apocalyptic, of which we refuse to see the deep filth (I think of the Venezuelan, Russian, and Iranian systems presented as better than sewers just because they declare themselves hostile to the Western system that, moreover, they envy).
These misleading suggestions ultimately present us with the timeless, adolescent, suicidal, and stupid scheme of the killing of the Father.

For the Hellenes, the Father of all things was War, which is rightly masculine in Greek.
And War, with its metaphysical and existential implications, is returning here among us.

But the Father is also the genealogical tree, linear, of the Patres, which reconnects us to our mythical, protohistorical roots, to our lineage, to our blood, to our soil.
Therefore, the Father is Europe, and it is precisely Europe that must be affirmed with joy and courage.

Without allowing ourselves to be neutralized by dialectical speculations about the European system, because an entire world cannot be dismissed because of the system that represents it, and besides, there are no real alternatives to it in the world today, only similar ones that are often worse.

A system can be reformed or revolutionized, but it can never be an excuse to desert our duty of blood, of ideal, and of soil.

Daily life

Above all, if we want to regenerate Europe – and with those who do not want it, I do not even know what I could have in common – we must start from the awareness that no one will do it but us Europeans. And not tomorrow, but now, immediately, especially with our lifestyle.

Let us free our minds from all the incapacitating schemes and from any partisanship for this or that filth, and let us carry out, with all the necessary elements, our daily creative revolution!

  • The Superclan (from “super clandestinity”) was an Italian far-left group that advocated for armed struggle and partially took control of the Red Brigades. It operated mainly from Paris, around the Hypérion language school, and came into contact with intelligence services from various nations and both blocs. The group was involved in at least two attacks with civilian casualties, in Brescia in 1974 and at the Bologna train station in 1980. It was also linked to Palestinian extremist factions connected to East Germany’s Stasi and Israel’s Mossad.
    The Superclan played a major role in the kidnapping and assassination of Christian Democracy leader Aldo Moro.

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