martedì 22 Ottobre 2024

The wave

It is not what they fear but they are right to fear it

Più letti

Global clowns

Note dalla Provenza


They shudder, tremble, and speak of the “brown plague” and the “dark hours of a sad past that returns.” It’s already beautiful in itself, for everything else there’s Mastercard.*

The black wave (or brown, if you prefer) is not the one feared by the eunuch priests of the antifa goddess; it is simply, as Professor Giovanni Orsina of Luiss has well understood, the demand for realism, a return to politics, in rejection of the ideological and dogmatic abstractions embodied by a ruling class that has long lost touch with reality. And which, precisely overwhelmed by reality, calls for the defense of “sacred values” to curb the collective rejection that jeopardizes their careers and fame.

At the moment, the wave that has risen in Europe is not directed, not understood, not mediated, and not set towards the synthesis that is indispensable, between real powers, common interests, innovations, and popular sentiments. A synthesis that will come but that is not here yet.
For now, the vote is a request for the popular reappropriation of a role in the decisions of common life. Then it articulates into a series of adolescent impulses, into many absurd, unrealistic demands that irrationally combine opposites such as the demand for tax cuts and welfare, the rejection of immigration and the demand for the revival of industrialism.

In Italy, in Spain, in Portugal, in Romania, in France, in Germany, in Greece, upon closer inspection, these protests do not have much in common with each other, except for the rejection of professional administrators, post-1968 values, the the nefarious marriage between managerial mentality and bureaucracy.

The best aspect of this wave is not just the condemnation of a parasitic political class, long encrusted in privileges, but above all the fact that the protest is uncomplexed.
They are not afraid to vote for those labeled as fascists, to give more than five hundred thousand votes to General Vannacci who invokes the Decima Mas.**
They are not afraid to bring a party labeled as Nazi to 16% in Germany, which has nothing Nazi about it, and is a Five Star Movement with DDR nostalgia that promises nothing good. But, apart from the substantive considerations that cannot make us sympathize with the AfD, the fact that in Germany more than a sixth of the voters are not afraid of being “Nazified” has historical significance.

There is no “fascist” danger, neither here nor elsewhere. A dream for some, a nightmare for others.
No, there is not. Not in the sense of the triumph of the villain from Sky, Prime, or Netflix (because that is today the fascist imaginary of the average anti-fascist, almost always uneducated and indoctrinated).
And it does not exist even from the perspective of an articulated and precise political and ideological program.
Giovanni Orsina, in an interview with the french newspaper Le Figaro, highlighted that the glue of Fratelli d’Italia is not ideological but anthropological, a belonging to something common that precedes ideology and can even do without it. Without ideology, not without fundamental lines.

Well, one thing is (or was) the Radical Right, which built a set of firm points to influence the future, another thing is the Terminal Right, which has ideologized, schematized, dogmatized a series of sociopathic nonsense in the adolescent rejection of everything that surrounds it; a third and very different thing is (was) fascism as an idea.

It has always had a compass, but also the continuous ability to adapt, to unite, to mediate, to bring to synthesis, to redirect.
Very little ideological and much anthropological, a mercurial force of change, Apollonian in its Dionysian nature, bringing newness anchored to principles.
It has never been static, dogmatic, fossilized, or even self-referential: it is an imperishable force of synthesis that transcends itself and even its own forms, and that will reassert itself in new and yet undefined manifestations.

Is the black wave not black? Probably it is absolutely nothing. But this, after all, is a good thing.
I am glad about this chaotic expression of aspirations; I am not saddened if it is no longer confined in incapacitating grids, like the various exits of every kind, number, and type, which, by conditioned reflexes, makes one think of the “irreducible” who have betrayed something unclear. Once again, it is not known who and what would have been betrayed, unless we speak of the abnormal fideistic conjectures of the ghettos.

The wave, on the other hand, announces a great potential that, moreover, the antifa cannot even understand or grasp and cannot hinder much. The outcome of this dialectic of forces between the wave and the rocks will soon decide if and how much it will have made an impact, and how.
The time has not yet come, because from within the dynamics, the synthesis is certainly feasible in Italy, perhaps in Spain, and then it will spread. Elsewhere, like in France, it will eventually be offered directly by the kingmakers with an olive branch, to mend the well-advanced unstable balances. Germany will accept then and consequently, but when it does, it will do so peremptorily.

I do not know when this wave will manage to produce the new synthesis, both within itself and between itself and everything necessary to regenerate the peoples of Europe and Europe as a whole.
But I am sure of one thing: it can only be stopped by killing our continent, and that will not happen.

*Allusion to the Mastercard advertisement in Italy where the bank card can really buy everything except the big dreams that come true on their own.

** The Decima Mas is an Italian military formation that carried out several actions at sea against the British fleet and which joined Benito Mussolini’s Italian Social Republic.


È quasi una prima assoluta

Finora uccidere un tedesco non era reato

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