giovedì 18 Luglio 2024

Is simple

We complicate it

Più letti

Global clowns

Note dalla Provenza


Let’s take a deep breath and come back down to earth.

Regardless of our feelings, whoever we cheer for, whoever we root against, whatever we hope for, there are only two factors we can act upon: ourselves and contributing to making changes in the changing reality that we like.
Everything else is illusion or, worse, a psychosis born from frustration.

Acting upon ourselves is the most important thing, not only from the point of view of training and information, but also of discipline, physical form, camaraderie, and growth.
From there comes the rest, what to do and above all how to do it. We must absolutely understand that it is not with force that we can approach the changing reality to positively intervene in it: it must be done naturally.
Remembering Nietzsche’s wisdom: “it is not around those who make great noise but around those who create new values that the world silently turns.”

This is how we must relate, calmly. Banishing anxieties, complaints, defeatism, acidity, in short, anything that takes away our lightness and positivity.

In this transitional crisis – which some insist on imagining as a system crisis but it is not – some promising and unavoidable new elements emerge, dictated by the necessities of things, necessities that impose themselves on the same oligarchies.

I summarize some of them.

The recovery of drama and tragedy.

Although there is an excess of sensationalism, an exaggeration that goes as far as the fear of nuclear war, and – I repeat – regardless of the real or imaginary camp preferred, we must register three fundamental facts.

  1. The return of war in Europe, with the discovery that there are still peoples capable of fighting.
  2. The return in the daily imaginary of the concept of possible war, with a debate on future military service; this automatically entails a counter-trend towards de-masculinization and clashes with the woke offensive which, in itself, is already failing commercially
  3. The return to the idea of an armed Europe.

It is not enough, reality has shown that it is not possible to rely on the Americans, and the debate in Europe, including NATO circles, is increasingly centered on this premise, to the point that the most fervent Atlanticists have suddenly become the main critics of the United States. Not because they have converted, but because they respond to the stable orders based on the rule that the best way to neutralize opposition is to personally guide it.

Since the pandemic, the jolts in supply chains have prompted a review of global dependencies and the recovery of some state functions.
These, freed from verbal rhetoric as they are concretely brought back into play, have had to find a European declination; finally, all kinds of reforms on the table go in the direction of a promising synthesis. For even the eurocrats have had to accept the recovery of national values to be associated with federal ones, in a significant convergence that perhaps is still far from the necessary imperial logic with confederal implications, but for the first time expresses its premises.

Italy has found itself, almost suddenly, assuming a leading international role, not only in Europe but in multilateralism, especially in the directions of Japan, India, and Africa.
Not only that: some of the fierce rivalries that seemed insurmountable are now smoothed over. This is particularly true for the relationship between Italy and France.

The tension has meanwhile risen to the point of resurrecting old psychotic tools.

Anti-fascism on the brink of dementia, even if it has little grip on public opinion, has its high-level repressive potential, but this is not necessarily a negative factor, as it produces selection and induces one to be present to oneself. Welcome if it is an awakening!

The buzz about the anti-Semitism emergency
no longer seems capable of mobilizing the masses. Let’s say that in Gaza the bonuses have been exhausted and who knows if it is now definitively over.

The jihadist danger is still the subject of intricate games between powers, services, governments, but it will end up assuming values ​​in the same upcoming social anthropology with related side effects.

There are still problems that seem prohibitive to us to solve: in reality, these are only those concerning demography and its direct and indirect consequences. But we should stop worrying about everything and thinking that we can solve anything in the blink of an eye: we need to place a little more faith in fate and in our genes.

This also involves establishing a new relationship with technology and Artificial Intelligence (which, among a thousand other things, can play an important role in supplementing demographic deficiencies). This cannot be entrusted only to cerebral individuals but to whole men.
Mens sana in corpore sano (a sound mind in a healthy body) also applies to the use of advanced technologies, which will be positive if in the hands of philosopher-warriors.

At all these crossroads – which are one step away from us – we must arrive ready, deconditioned, light, smiling, not weighed down, not distressed, and with a spirit of community (not of cliques, parishes, or ghettos).
Rarely have we had so many promising opportunities ahead of us.
The only problem is for us to rise to the occasion again.
And to this we must dedicate ourselves unconditionally and totally.

Let’s start: take a deep breath and come back down to earth!


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